Ask for the Moon and Get It by Percy Ross Philanthropist

 Ask for the Moon and Get It

Percy Ross the author of the above book began life in poverty but through hard work became a millionaire and philanthropist, giving all his money away before he died, relatively recently. He wrote the above book when he was 70. He was known for giving away silver dollars as a symbol of hope to poor children and had a column in newspapers called "Thanks a Million", from which he helped countless people with their requests.

His parents were Jewish immigrants, his father was a scrap merchant, and scraped by hardly making enough to feed his children. At the age of 7 Percy was taught how to sell eggs to neighbours to help put food on the table. Lessons he learnt that helped him all his life, he developed ten rules for success and the correct ways to ask for what you need.

As a child he disparately wanted a bicycle like other boys, but his father couldn't afford it, eventually he got him a very old bike but Percy was overjoyed with it. Bicycles featured strongly in gifts to underprivileged children. By 1977 he had given away 100 new bikes but in 1971 he held a Christmas party for needy children and gave away over a thousand shiny new bikes.

Percy put his success down to learning from his father the right way to ask for what he needed. The book dwells on his ten lessons for success. It is a beautiful book to stimulate and inspire, I hope it is still in print. Yes, it is still available in book stores! So you can enjoy it too and study his 10 rules 
to bring you your success

Percy's Rules:

Know what you want 
Ask the right person 
Prepare a good case 
Give in order to receive 
Overcome the blocks to asking 
Ask artfully 
Request don't demand or beg 
show respect 
Ask and keep asking 
Go beyond me to we.

Percy goes into great detail how he chose whose dreams he fulfilled according to the way they asked and the needs of the people who wrote in for help. I'm not sure if I unknowingly asked in the right way but I have managed to fulfill two of my dreams I have an online business and we are living in the sun.

If an online business is one of your dreams the easiest way to start is with affiliate marketing with the guidance of a successful mentor. Excellent products sales pages and training will be provided to reduce the amount you have to learn before you start earning. It is a great way of life and gives time freedom and choice of location, you just need a laptop.

In Defense of Traditional Books

 In the midst of the digital era, I'd like to step up and defend the traditional book. Don't get me wrong, I love the latest in book tech, but nothing beats a book in its purest form. Here are a few reasons why.

1. The Feel

There is just something about holding an entire book in your hands and feeling the pages as you turn it. There's a connection to the material that doesn't seem to happen when you read on a mobile device. As books age, they also sort of pick up a book-y smell that is quite comforting. The whole process of reading becomes an immersive experience.

2. They're Better For Your Health

We've all heard it so many time before. The eerie glow from our electronic devices is slowly killing us. Sure, that's probably a little extreme. I mean, just about everything is "killing us" these days, but it really does affect your health. Especially if you're reading at bedtime with all other lights off. Your body responds to the light your electronic reading device and it can dramatically affect your ability to fall asleep and also how you sleep throughout the night. In fact, the best recommendation for bedtime is to read a traditional book until you get tired. If you've been having trouble sleeping lately, just take a week to read an actually physical book instead of looking at an electronic device thirty minutes before you fall asleep. I guarantee you'll start to sleep much more soundly.

3. The Feeling of Accomplishment

Each books you finish is sort of like a trophy that you can keep forever. You can proudly display it for guests as a conversation started. You can do this with three or four books or you can have an entire room devoted to it. Personal libraries are quite impressive and there is an air of intelligence and sophistication that comes with a room like that. Build it up, take pride, share your favorites with your guests. Good luck doing that with an eReader. Or, if you don't care to build your collection, you get to pass it along to someone else who will enjoy it.

4. The Ability to Completely Disconnect

This might be just me, but I'm guessing it's not. If I attempt to read on a mobile device, it takes me forever to get in the zone. I'll get distracting by every little thing whether it be email, or Facebook, or any other app that is just an easy click away. A physical book allows me to put all of that aside and really dive into the world the author has prepared for me. Number 2 on this list also plays a role here.

5. Nostalgia

A lot of the books I own have a story behind how I obtained them, whether it was given to me by a friend or family member, or is a special edition, or happens to be a signed copy. Nostalgia gets pretty lost with eBooks and I'll take nostalgia any day.